Cultivate Clarity, Be Innovative, and Make Progress in your Research Journey
Creativity is at the heart of successful research. Often your big goal is clear: Earn the PhD, write a winning grant, finish the master’s thesis, reach tenure, think up the next big thing in your field. But knowing which direction to go or how to move concretely toward that big goal is often not clear. Unfortunately, researchers are rarely taught how to manage their creative process, and modern academic life is not structured to optimize creativity. Read More
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"Creativity in Research has encouraged me to play more with my questions and preliminary data, and to consider approaching my work from angles I wouldn't have otherwise considered. When the task of completing a PhD seems daunting, this book helps to put things into perspective and reminds me that I'm here to be creative and curious about my field!"
− 1st year PhD student, Stanford University

Book Team
Creativity in Research is the collective effort of a team of researchers and educators – Nicola, Amanda, Anja, Sebastian, and Adam – who came together at Stanford University with a common interest in creativity training for researchers.
Nicola Ulibarri, PhD
Amanda Cravens, PhD
Anja Svetina Nabergoj, PhD
Sebastian Kernbach, PhD
Adam Royalty, MA
"The goals, content, and clarity of this book are excellent. The chapters offer compelling insights and hands-on exercises for nurturing creativity in research. It will be a valuable and welcome contribution to the literature on promoting creativity among students and scholars working in several different fields."
− Daniel Stokols, Chancellor's Professor Emeritus, University of California, Irvine and author of Social Ecology in the Digital Age

How can it help you?
For PhD students and postdocs
For graduate students and emerging researchers, this approach aids development of essential skills in your research practice, making you more productive.
For researchers
For experienced researchers, our guidance helps you recognize creativity-boosting techniques you already use and will introduce new ideas to experiment with.
For directors of doctoral programs
For faculty or administrators who are interested in turning this curriculum into a course or workshop, our book provides ideas for developing creative research content.
For mentors and advisors
For advisors and supervisors, we present ways to facilitate development of creative abilities in your PhD students and other researchers.